Thursday, April 21, 2011


There are so many different languages,
but a smile speaks every single one!

:] :) :} :P :D ^_^ ^_~
Have you ever noticed how a smile can be contagious?

Sometimes work, or various environments can be degrading when you feel like you're constantly being trampled on by negativity... I've come to realize through psychology, and just personal experience that a smile is truly contagious. When someone beats you with rudeness kill them with kindness! It works! It may not make you happy, but you can be happy with yourself knowing that there's nothing more you could have done and that you weren't rude. This way you can't lie to yourself, or feel bad about how you may have treated someone. If anything maybe the angry person will walk out of the store, and realize what a rude person they were, and then again maybe not. Sometimes people just go through phases, or something bad has happened to them, and they believe the world owes them something. Nobody is ever owed anything, we all breath the same are and are born the same way. Nobody really enjoys being mean it seems, however different paths we walk in sometimes are covered in rocks, or debris, so in order to achieve a clear path sometimes individuals get frustrated and take their aggressions out on the wrong entity (you, or me!). I was reading an article that I found online that was quite informative on happiness:

Smiling creates happiness...
And Happiness is contagious!!!!

So... SMILE! It's good for you, and the world.
Remember when you smile someone will 99.9% of the time smile back!<3

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