Thursday, April 21, 2011

Counting your calories...

It's been a while, but I'm back...!

Counting your calories is something that's just hit me in the head. Today I've noticed my intake was probably over a 2,000 limit (lol). I'm pretty athletic, tall, and slender. If anything I'm underweight for my height, and work out so much that I'm a bottomless pit at this point.
The main point in this post tonight is that it's important for us to count our calories regardless of any body type we may have!

It's simple to do: If you're on the go keep a small journal with you, and write down anything you eat. If you have a smart phone there are also many new applications out there that can practically do the work for you. I had a body program application on my iPhone before, and loved it (but no longer can afford an iPhone!) So I'm going to start keeping a log about what I eat on physical paper.

This is not only beneficial to your body, but to your mind as well!

So keep in mind the next time you go out to lunch, or dinner and order that 4,000 calorie item maybe cut it in half with a salad, or something not as heavy. A process my friend has been doing is just cutting her portions in half. You'd be surprised when eating, and chewing slowly how much fuller you feel with a glass of water also. Summer is coming, and health lasts a life time, so my advice to all of you is to keep a food journal and keep calories in check before they check you!

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