Monday, October 12, 2009


If you carry an umbrella, it won't rain, and if you don't, it will.=)

Here are some top choice umbrellas to prepare you, and I for this upcoming rainy season!!!

1. ShedRain Windpro Auto Open/Close Umbrella:

This umbrella was wind tested to 33 mph, it has a huge amount of resist. This brand has a couple different sizes, and widths and clothes lengths.
There is also a button on the umbrella that makes it easy for opening and closing the umbrella when needed. Talk about new and improved!!!

2. Swiss Army Victorinox Automatic Open/Close Umbrella

This umbrella seems like it would have a pocket knife or something in it from the name, but no it doesn't its safe for everyone! This brand is known for making high quality items, and this umbrella shouldn't be any different. This is a pretty compact umbrella being only 13 inches until it "unfurls" in 3 stages. This umbrella also has prevention in it, to help against wind made with titanium alloy for strength. The grip you hold to keep the umbrella in place over you is a comfortable molded handle. That the site says its quite comfortable. Hmm.

3. ShedRain Windjammer Jumbo Umbrella

This is a HUGE umbrella, that will not only keep you dry, but is 22 inches!!! A comfortable 3- fingered wood grip with a leather strap on the bottom for holding when it's closed. This umbrella is also designed to resist wind inversion... Looks like a golfing umbrella

Walking i views these different types of umbrellas from this site. There are more on there, but I think the top 3 are the most valuable.

Happy Umbrella Hunting friends! :)

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